• Portfolio Management Services Vs Mutual Funds.

    Making money off the market requires certain degree of expertise and a healthy appetite for risk.
  • Smart way of long term wealth creation.

    With start of New Year we all take certain resolution be it for health, a trip or to quit smoking but certainly in mind we all take one resolution that is to EARN MORE .

Why Portfolio Management Services?

Premium investment vehicle with range of investment options

* We have MOAMC discretionary Portfolio Management Service, which offers professional management of your investments with an aim to deliver consistent returns. It relieves you from all monitoring hassles with benefits like regular reviews, strong risk management flexibility and makes it an ideal investment avenue for high net worth investors..

Why invest with us?

* Buy & Hold philosophy with focus on better post tax returns for the clients


* Stock selection based on Quality of Management / Cash Reserves / Return on Equity / Valuations at which the stock is available

* Value is the one of the PMS in the country with 13 year + track record launched in March 2003

* MOAMC Flagship "Value Strategy " has consistently outperformed the benchmark across market cycles over a 13 year period.

* MOAMC PMS has one of the largest active accounts (More than 18,383) on PMS platform.

* MOAMC - PMS has active clients in 140 different cities right from Agra to Vijaywada ; a testimony of strong acceptance of our PMS across the length & breadth of the country

* Focused Portfolio Investments for client.

* Clients will get 24 *7 access to his portfolio on the web.

* Client will get CA Certified Tax statement end of every financial year