Currency Trading

Why Currencies?

World 's largest market - Driven by fundamentals

A market that attracts about $5.2 trillion in daily volume, recognized as world 's largest market, accessible globally 24 hours a day - that is exactly what the Currency market is made up of! The advantage of small margin requirements and lower entry barriers makes it an important part of a retail investor 's portfolio. What 's more, you can trade in currencies through your existing equity account.

Why invest with us?

The best part about trading in currencies is that you don 't need to open a new account or have different funds for this asset class. You can use the margin money and collaterals across Equity, F&O & currencies on the same platform. No separate investment is required for currency trading.

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Our Advice

* Access to a broad range of actionable strategies customized to your risk profile and time horizon right from intraday, overnight, short term to positional calls.

* Access to Theta strategies - option based calls that help you play both directional and range bound markets meant for investors with low risk appetite.

* Advice across all asset classes - Equities, Derivatives, Commodities, Currencies and Mutual Funds.

* Dedicated Relationship Managers and advisory team to provide timely recommendations.

* Integrated view of our advice across all platforms - Desktop, Web, Mobile & Tablet

  • Currency exchange rate: An important factor affecting currency exchange rates.

    Interest rates and inflation are two important factors that affect a country 's economic health, currency exchange rate plays a crucial role in a country 's trade.
  • Currency trading: A new investment instrument in India.

    Many don 't like to part with their hard-earned money for the sake of earning more capital. But then there are those who not only invest their monies in stocks and bonds and mutual funds, but also trade in currencies.
  • One of the most Liquid investment options.

    Equities also provide you the flexibility of quickly changing your holding patterns to suit your requirements and also convert your holdings into cash instantly. This makes it the most suitable option compared to other asset classes for investors who are looking for liquidity